Getting Started


  1. pip install django-staff
  2. Add to INSTALLED_APPS in

How it works

  1. Django Staff modifies (monkey patches) Django’s built-in User model’s admin, adding an inline form to the Staff model.

  2. Django Staff registers a listener to updates to the User model.

  3. Three possible actions can happen when a User is created or changed:

    1. A staff object is created, linked to the user object and permission is added for all available sites.
    2. The existing staff object is updated, keeping the first name, last name and e-mail in sync and also confirming the active status of the staff object.
    3. The existing staff object is marked as inactive

Using Django Staff

  1. Create a new User
  2. Make sure their staff status is checked
  3. Click the Save and continue editing button.
  4. When the page reloads, you’ll notice the additional fields at the bottom of the page.